Friday, January 25, 2008

Message to the person who created the website 'Why won't G-d heal Amputees?'

I don't know what the purpose of asking:

"Why won't G-d heal Amputees"

Is it like asking: "Can G-d make a rock so Big that he can't move it?" I used to try to use that flawed argument when I was a kid to try to prove there was no G-d. But when you consider it, the question "Can G-d make a rock so big that He Can't move it" is pretty much, a really STUPID question.

G-d is not a Man, G-d does not think the way you and I think. If G-d follows the biblical model of Himself, G-d would not bother responding to any question concerning rocks even if the Angel Gabriel himself would ask, it is just a dumb question.

On the other hand though the question "Why won't G-d Heal Amputees" -  appears to be a good question, it is absolute nonsense. Mostly because, for one, in the entire Bible, I do not think there is one mention of any regrown limbs ANYWHERE in the Bible - YOU SHOW IT TO ME.

The person who asked the question "WWGHA"- who made this website, and who has started all this Floofpoog and fartflurry speculating why G-d won't heal amputees- I think he asked in his mind what he thought was a valid question, but when you consider the question, it is just another STUPID question.
I want to explain why, right here and now, and I hope there are many people who see my reasoning. I am but a humble Christian who used the be an humble Atheist, and my Faith is pretty broad, cos I came to realise long ago that since G-d is NOT a man, and except for those 33 years He put on the clothing of Mortal Flesh and lived loved and died like one of us, he does not reason as one of us nor speak as one of us. And so we can NOT assume that our concerns are really anything of galactic importance. Surely our concerns seem important to us, but when it comes to the question of "Should my wife wear the Red Dress or the Green Dress" - G-d himself is more concerned about Galaxy M-361 colliding with cluster X-g47sk and how many life-bearing planets will be destroyed and should He sent Christs to each of Those Planets? I'm just using that as an example of something that G-d might be more concerned about that Mr. John Human praying to have his leg regrown.

So I want to first pose the verification question: When we talk about Healing: Are we talking about Healing a disease? I know first hand God heals diseases, and I can document this, and I know several hundred people who are walking around who were under death sentences of Cancer and other hideous diseases.

Disease is not G-d's intended state for man. Our bodies are supposed to Automatically deal with the daily things that we come across as far as germs and other foreign materials go. Sometimes, the foreign material is just too foreign, and our immune systems cannot deal with it, and so we get ill. But normally, these illnesses are "Not unto death" and we recover. However, since G-d Himself inspired the practice of Medicine, Christ being the most documented doctor of all: It is Proper for me, for you, for anyone to ask G-d for healing when be become ill with one of these diseases, and when Anybody recovers due to the help of a licenced medical practitioner, we can attribute that healing to G-D.

Let us say, it is 1864 and a soldier in the Civil War just got a ball of lead deep in his leg and he is on a filthy battlefield and there are many other men and their blood and also, insects, germs of many kinds (which we did not know about in 1864) - and the "doctor" drops his surgical instrument on the ground and picks it up and wipes it with poop covered unwashed hands and uses the tool to remove the bullet.

And in a day or so, the leg becomes infected, and none of the potions that the doctor uses to stop the infection helps, especially since he got them from a patent medicine man who was barking on a St Louis Streetcorner. And the infected area becomes Green. And starts smelling like rotten meat. And then the flies come, and start laying eggs in the unhealed, dripping, oozing, festering, , green, wound. Would you say that the Doctor performed a valid healing operation?

And so the man feels his blood being poisoned and prays for healing and a different doctor comes, with whiskey, lye, clean towels and a sharp, clean and new surgical tool, and he removes the infected part of the leg, and ties off all the blood vessels, and sews the stump up real good.

Within a week the would heals and with the help of a wooden leg, the man can move around, and he does not develope pneumonia or any other disease.. And he recovers.

So: Which was the healing? The first operation where the sawbones actually, due to his unclean methods, Caused the infection to spread? Or the second operation, where the doctor came and due to good practice, used a procedure that actually saved the man's life?

Which one the "Miracle"

When we ask G-d to Heal Stumps are we in fact asking for a miracle? Why would we ask G-d to do something like that? Would you not say that any man who asks for the regeneration of amputated material a little... Ah, Er, PRESUMPTUOUS?

God performs the healing of Amputees through the procedure of Amputation. In these days, we see much less need for amputation then even 10 years ago... With surgical procedure as developed as it is, and with proper care, doctors have even sewn severed limbs back onto the person who has had them wrongfully removed: See the case of a man named Bobbitt: And we ask, did NOT G-d heal Bobbitt? I would say He did... Bobbitt even showed us how well G-d "performed" that miracle.

But the miracle was really in good doctoring skills.

So: If any man has to have a foot removed, or a leg or arm, we can correctly state that G-d DID heal these men... Because the Amputation is in fact The Healing.

Now... Why would ANY Christian pray to have limbs regrown. In 1992 I had to have a lot of teeth removed, and I suffer for that daily now with TMJ and other problems. Should I ASK G-D to REGROW MY TEETH? Why should I, when it was MY FAULT that I lost them, and even if it was not my fault, if it was not my fault and my teeth were wrongfully knocked out, G-d would provide that the person responsible for amputating my teeth would provide me with a 90,000 thousand dollar Implant job.

Asking to be Healed from Aids, or the Flu, or A Cold, or Cancer, is one thing, BELIEVING that G-d will heal those things is another.

It is the belief and FAITH in G-d that causes Him to Heal Cancer, Hepatitis, Aids. NOT just the Asking.

It even states in James, when we ask G-d for anything... Let us ask in Faith and without wavering... because the man who Doubt's that G-d can do these things, will not receive anything from Him, a doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways.

James 1

2 ¶ My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Note that the person is asking for Wisdom... I assume that when James says that the person who asks from G-d, anything, not simply wisdom, if a person were to ask for Healing, we MUST assume, and not presume.

Assumption: G-d will provide Wisdom and Healing for all men who ask with for it with FAITH

Presumption: That we can ask God for something we do not deserve, and He will Provide it: If we ask with a level of Faith that is non-existent.

Moreover, it is not in the asking of G-d for boons, but in the Trust in G-d that He will provide all we need while we are on this planet, that is the true measure of Christianity.

Christ had a lot to say about people who stood on streetcorners (or in front of TV cameras) and prayed outloud. As in, he hated it, and condemned such people.

I hope I have given the person who first asked "Why won't G-d heal Amputees" a real good picture of why this is the most Non-Valid question anyone can ask about G-d: Because G-d HAS already healed the amputee... BY the process of amputation.

Sure we can ask Him to preform a Miracle... And even if we ask in a compleatly non-selfish way and for totally unselfish purposes for my teeth to magically and miraculously be grown back- It is still up to G-d to perform such a Miracle: And it is not too silly to believe that G-d is still around and performing miracles, only that He will do a miracle just to "prove" that He is still around.

People get Miracles mixed up with Healing. Two different things.